Hale Health - Whole Health Treatments and Wellness
Hale Health is the premier Center for Integrative Medicine - Treat yourself to any two skin treatments. It's your choice for a Medical Grade Chemical Peel & Microdermabrasion, Treatment of Spider Veins, or Micro-Needling for a more beautiful you! And enjoy a basket of goodies to keep you well, inside and out: Effer-C Acai drink mix, Effer-C Cranberry-Pomegranate drink mix, organic Reishi Matcha Immunity Support Tea, doTerra On Guard Essential Oil and Protective Beadlet, Handcrafted Soul Warmer soap, doTerra Exfoliating Body Scrub, Vitamineral Green Vegan Superfood Complex, Vitamineral Earth Superfood, and Warrior Food Vegan Hard-Core Complete Protein. and other wellness products.